Monday 28 November 2011


After listening to the lecture surrounding group two's ICTs I was extremely interested in the concept of using images within learning experiences. An image can convey a powerful message and stimulate higher order thinking amongst learners.

Tag Galaxy
I chose to explore Tag Galaxy, and I was amazed at what I found. I chose to enter 'flowers' as my topic, expecting to find rows of images of flowers. After pressing the 'enter' key I was amazed at what came up on the screen. A moving image appeared that looked like planets in orbit. The word 'flower' was in the center and words associated with it surrounded. When clicking on the word 'flower' the image transformed and became a sphere with tiles of flowers around it.

This is a highly engaging ICT that could be used in any learning environment. It could be used to search a specific topic, or used to create stimulus for discussion, unit plan or learning inquiry. Students can interact with Tag Galaxy individually, in small groups or as a class using PowerPoint. I would use this ICT in any primary classroom as part of a learning experience, as children can be given the ability to explore as they desire. Tag Galaxy caters for several learning styles as it is both interactive and visual.

See, Think, Wonder
I also explored the visible thinking concept 'see, think, wonder' and thought it would be a great practice to use when introducing images to learners. It asks three questions;
"What do you see?"
"What do you think about that?"
"What does it make you wonder?"
This concept allows students to observe and evaluate their own interpretations. Using this alongside a wikispace or blog would create an inspiring learning environment where students could collaborate ideas and share their understandings around an image.

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