Thursday 17 November 2011

Mobile Phones

Through the use of a wiki, this week’s activity required me to collaborate my thoughts and ideas with those of other students.  The topic question “Mobile Phones – Should they be used in the classroom” stimulated a vast variety of opinion, as the scaffolded activity suggested. Set out in table format, the task stimulated students thinking using Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats.  
Whilst reading through the table, it was obvious it had been constructed with clear intentions. Each part was distinctively set out to ensure the task was understood by each student. An image of each hat, a space for students’ names and their contribution allowed us to take ownership of our thoughts and collaborate with others. I also noticed that the perspective of each colour hat was reiterated with sample questions. This was a very effective way to clarify the nature of responses required in each row.
This activity allowed me to think ‘outside the square’. As I approached the table, I immediately contributed to the black hat row, thinking only of the distraction and social ramifications of students using a mobile phone in the classroom. I made a contribution to the table and reflected upon the thoughts of my peers. Doing so allowed me to broaden my perspective and see the benefits, possibilities and directions in which technology is heading. I now believe that we as learning managers need to remain open minded and embrace technology. By using these tools in our classrooms through scaffolded teaching, students will have access to engaging learning experiences using a multimodal resource.
The wiki activity stimulated cognitivism, as it provided me with the ability to progress through the elements of Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy. I was able to compile prior knowledge, comprehend the topic question, apply this to real life context, analyse my ideas and those of others then synthesise and evaluate the ideas. I was able to achieve new knowledge and understanding of the topic question, which in turn transformed my thinking.
Through this activity I have gained valuable knowledge about how to use an ICT to create a carefully scaffolded learning experience. Using a wiki in the classroom provides students with an engaging learning environment where they are able to collaborate ideas and stimulate higher order thinking. I am looking forward to using wiki’s and mobile phones as learning tools in the classroom.

Image found at:

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